lundi, le 24 avril

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After a week of ice and rain, the sun decides to appear today!  So happy to see the sun!

Today in math we started a new chapter on multiplying multi-digit numbers.  Our lesson today focused on multplying by 10 and by 100.  This was a relatively easy lesson for the students as they were able to identify patterns when multiplying.  We completed several examples together and then the students were assigned exercises 1-6 on page 312 to complete individually.  Those who did not finish will need to do so for homework.

The class had music today and are practicing for the Rotary Music Festival this Thursday.

In social studies we read and discussed some interesting facts about the physical elelments of our world.  Did you know that there is even a taller mountain than Mount Everest?  Mount Everest is 8800 metres tall.  Mauna Kea of Hawaii is more than 9700 metres tall, but about 5500 metres of it is under water in the Pacific Ocean.

In French the class completed an entry in their French journal about their Easter break.

In health we started a final project to finish up our unit on nutrition and staying healthy. The students had to create and fill a picnic basket with a healthy picnic lunch using food from each of the four food groups.  In addition to their healthy menu, they had to plan activities during their picnic to get everyone active.

To end the day, the class had buddy reading with the grade 2 class.

Please note the oratorical is next week, May 4th!  Please ensure that your child is practicing his/her poem at home daily.  Presentations in class will take place on Wednesday, April 16th and Thursday, April 27th.  Finalists will then present their poems to all the grade 4 classes on Friday!   There will be 12 finalists from all grade 4 classes selected to present their poems next week!  Bonne Chance!

Rotary Music Festival

On Thursday, April 27th the grade 4 Choir will be travelling to the Rotary Music Festival at Memorial University School of Music.  A permission form went home with your child before the Easter break.  Please return along with the $2 registration fee.

Important dates:

  • April 27th – Rotary Music Festival
  • May 4th – Oratorical
  • May 6th – A Night Out on the Shore – Dinner/ Dance/ Auction – Tickets are on sale.
  • May 19th – PD – No school for students

Messages/ Reminders

  • math pg. 312 ex. 1-6
  • Oratorical – Practice poems

À demain,

Mme Newman



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